Welcome to the Charlestown Republican Town Committee!
We are dedicated to serving our community and upholding the principles of limited government, individual freedoms, and economic prosperity.

The anchor is seen as a close resemblance to the cross, a symbol of hope, strength and steadfastness that helps keep us grounded in faith and devotion, a connection to what matters most.
The Charlestown Republican Town Committee firmly believes in the principles that have guided our party for generations; limited government that respects individual rights, free-market economics and strong national defense. These values serve as the foundation of our work and decision making.
Join us at our upcoming meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, 7:00pm, in the upstairs event room of Downey Weaver Post, 22 Whipple Drive, Charlestown. Stay informed about local, state and national campaigns and events that help us secure election victories.
Your support is vital in shaping the future of our town.

Two ways to attend:
or request a ticket.
& 2024 Candidate Meet & Greet Address:
Saturday October 19. 11:00 am Tele #:
www.charlestownrigop.com Check #
🇺🇸 Downey Weaver American Legion 🇺🇸 Employer:
22 Whipple Dr. Charlestown Employer Address:
$35 per person/12 and under free/Silent Auction Employer Tele #
RSVP by October 12 laura.CRTC@gmail.com (Info required by RI Elections)
Sponsored By: Charlestown Republican Town Committee

Elect Republican lawmakers to the Town Council, School Committee and the General Assembly who will:
1. rescind restrictions, work within balanced budgets, and have the desire to support infrastructure that will protect our property and rural character.
2. restore confidence that tax dollars will directly contribute to successful schools with academic excellence, and return power to parents to control the quality of their child’s education
3. assure voter integrity
4. gradually and responsible make energy changes so as not to bankrupt business and individuals.

Are you fed up with the conditions in Rhode Island and our country, both of which are being led to complete disaster by extreme politics? If so, please consider becoming involved. If you want to see the Republican party grow, have a louder voice and be heard, and build a government that truly works for the betterment of its citizens, we would love to have you join the new and growing Charlestown Republican Town Committee.
The easiest way to become involved is to attend our monthly committee meetings. We are a group of volunteers who come together with other like-minded citizens who support conservative ideals and limited government.
Learn about issues that are impacting the Charlestown community, our State and our Nation. Topics that we are currently discussing are:
Voter Integrity
Inspiring participation in government at all levels
Supporting the successful election of a Republican School Committee, Town Council, Rhode Island
Senate and House of Representative candidates who will carry the party forward
Fostering education in our schools, not social engineering. We believe in teaching
children how to think, not what to think
Ensuring responsible and accountable budgets
Protecting the United States and Rhode Island Constitutions
Help us grow, be informed and be heard. Meetings typically last 1.5 to 2 hours. Join us to create a local environment driven by common sense, respectful debate and citizen education. Far too often we have seen the damage of divisiveness. Together, we can initiate change at the local level, then we can be the hands and feet of a much larger movement that recognizes good ideas to better the system for every citizen.
There are many volunteer opportunities and ways to participate; this is the perfect time to become involved.

Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
Ronald Reagan
The strength in the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it.
Albert Einstein
An environment that is not safe to disagree in is not an environment focused on growth, it’s an environment focused on control.
Wendi Jade
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Lao Tzu